Industry Expertise

Industry-Specific CRM & Sales Data Solutions

Every industry has its unique way of doing things, which can make data management even more difficult if the system you’re using isn’t a perfect fit. The Distifabric CRM and sales data management tool works for manufacturers’ sales reps of any industry, but we’ve gone the extra mile to ensure our platform is tailored to the needs of our customers across several major industries.

More Industries We Serve

  • ALA
  • Audio Visual
  • Building Materials
  • Building Safety
  • CMA
  • Components
  • Construction & Engineering
  • Consumer Goods
  • CSP
  • Distributors
  • ECIA
  • EERA
  • Lab Instrumentation
  • Marine
  • Mechanical
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Medical
  • NMRA
  • NSCA
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Pool and Spa
  • Precision Stampings
  • Precision Tooling
  • Process Equipment
  • Retail Consumer
  • Roofing
  • Sporting Goods & Apparel

Don’t See Your Industry?

The Distifabric system can be customized as an industry specific CRM, so don’t worry, we’ve got your back.